Sunday 14 October 2012

Paint Time

Massi Red!!

After much disscusion the colour was chosen. this is the colour that the landrover was when Neil got it. however the originality perv's (Rod and others)  or as there known in the trade the rivet counters, will tell you that it shouldn't be red. The colour she left the factory all those years ago was actually marine blue and she wouldn't have had  back windows, however in this case i agree with Neil and if he wants a red landrover then thats what he will get. of course anyone who knows me will understand why agree with red so much.
So here is Iain applying the paint to the new bulkhead, looks great, untill we got it out and noticed a run lol the joy of painting, so we chucked it back in again with some of the other  pannels and gave it another coat. So glad we did though as its given it more of a deep shine

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